Did you know that the #Blueskin #Directory (which only costs $5) contains not only telephone numbers for residents in Blueskin settlements from Long Beach to Karitane, but also critical civil defence info for each settlement, public transport info, businesses, organisations, clubs, etc and more? This is the work of many volunteers and the Directory is available at:
1. The BRCT Office, 1121 Mt Cargill Rd
2. Waitati School Office, 1121 Mt Cargill Rd
3. Blueskin Library, Harvey St, Waitati
4. Blueskin Nurseries, Harvey St, Waitati
5. Blueskin Store, SH1, Waitati.
Big thanks to the Dunedin City Council for support for this essential publication and to the The Southern Trust for support of BRCT’s work. Any profits from the sale of directories go to support the Waitati School PTA.

Phillipa Buchanan
25 Jun 2019Can you tell me who did the photo. I have a photo I would like to print think its by same photographer and I want to check its ok to use. Thanks
Scott Willis
25 Jun 2019Hi Phillipa, the Blueskin Directory cover photo of Mapoutahi Pa is by Samuel Bingham. Isn’t it a beautiful image?