The 'Cuppa Tea' is a blog on a wide range of issues with monthly contributions. Current steaming hot topics such as planning for future energy security, economic resilience, climate change, food sovereignty, community engagement and participation will be traversed.


  • 1500-2500 words (other lengths on negotiation)
  • Address issues that matter to Blueskin and connect with Blueskin
  • Address local concerns with 'community' and 'resilience'
  • Contain 'Big' Abstract ideas with a connection to real action or Blueskin community; or
  • Contain practical, locally relevant insights with a connection to larger themes ('community', 'resilience' etc).

We solicit and invite contributions. Please send your contribution to: [email protected]. A licencing agreement for your writing will be provided. Contributions are considered on the 12th of each month. Processing typically takes four weeks (including author changes) and publication date is at the editor's discretion.