Blueskin Wind Cluster
For regular updates on this project please see our latest news (in the right hand column of this page) or go directly to the Blueskin Energy Limited website.
We have a vision of Blueskin communities being self sufficient in energy. Building a community wind cluster is just the first step. A crazy idea first put forward in a community visioning exercise in 2006, the Blueskin wind idea has grown legs.
We are in our fourth year of wind monitoring and have submitted a Resource Consent application to build the wind cluster with 3 wind turbines at a cost of approximately $5 - $6 million.
Imagine New Zealand's first community wind cluster up and running as a social business, providing social, environmental and financial benefit to the Blueskin community.
Blueskin residents have always been creative and audacious. We are now very close to pushing the 'Go' button...
Other links:
- Dunedin City Council Submission info and form
- Givealittle link to fund the Resource Consent process
- National Radio Extended Interview
- Akina Foundation Blog
- Dunedin TV interview