Background to BRCT Carbon Offsets

At BRCT we encourage people to "reduce what you can, offset what you can't" (the slogan). No-one gets their carbon consumption down to zero but BRCT can assist by using your carbon offset in one or more of our community initiatives that aim to mitigate and adapt to climate change and make a difference in our community and for New Zealand. We want to lead by example. We report these activities in our Annual Reports and our Charities Commission return.

BRCT runs a Cosy Homes Assessment (CHA) service. Our nationally certified advisors diagnose areas of concern, and recommend optimal solutions for house performance, and energy efficiency, with co-benefits such as financial and health gains.

Cosy Homes Assessments are all about improving the quality and effectiveness of whole of house resource efficiency advice to New Zealanders, improving house performance and the quality of life of New Zealanders. 

A Cosy Homes Assessment is comprised of:

  • Assessment - An assessment of the house informed by a comprehensive understanding of the science of home performance, best practice and a consultation with the home's occupants;
  • Diagnosis - Diagnosis of the underlying problems in the house and identification of actions to address the causes, and;
  • Recommendations - Prioritised recommended actions to address the underlying causes of the problems in the first instance, which meet the needs of the client and their personal circumstances.

Each $350 of BRCT Carbon Offset provides:

  1. One free Cosy Homes Assessment to a family in need.
  2. A baseline review of fuel use and power bills during initial visit.
  3. A 12 months review of the implementation of recommendations, fuel use and power bills and an evaluation of actual emission reduction and carbon savings.
  4. Annual monitoring of home improvements by occupants or owners to assist ongoing evaluation of savings and to contribute to research.

We encourage you to select the carbon offset scheme that suits you best.